Winning the lottery just might be the worst thing that ever happened to you.
In an article in The Atlantic, we read about many individuals who discover the downside of actually gaining instant riches.
Take, for instance, the sad tale of the “Lotto Lout” who used his millions to be with “thousands of prostitutes” (his words) and ended up in jail (no surprise). Or, how about the man that - after winning the lottery - was so endlessly bombarded by requests for money from friends, family and his congregation that he had a complete mental breakdown. (Check out the article by clicking here. It is an interesting read, to say the least!)
In a way, the Israelites also won the lottery when they left Egypt: free food in the desert in the form of delicious Manna from heaven!
But according to some rabbis, this was a mixed blessing.
The Hizkuni (Rabbi Hezekiah ben Manoah) said that since collecting and preparing Manna took virtually no time or effort, the people had an overabundance of free time on their hands!
How would they use this time... aimlessly, or with purpose?
We often believe that we are “being tested” when something bad happens to us. But what about the test that presents itself when something good occurs?
Manna was just such a test. Not because it caused suffering, but because it made life easy.
And us? How are we using our "Manna" - our "winnings" - of health and resources and free time that we are so fortunate to possess?