The New Year is upon us and it’s time to start thinking of our resolutions (if you haven’t already).
According to Business Insider, for many successful entrepreneurs, businesspeople and celebrities, in 2016, less is going to be more. (Click here to see the New Year’s resolutions of 31 successful people.)
Most of the people on this list are resolving to work less so they can do more in other areas of their lives, such as giving to others, spending time with family, learning a new skill, or perhaps just spending more quality time with themselves.
Hey, if they can manage it, so can we!

Of course, the Talmud in Chagigah 17a has always know this. It states “Tafasta meruba lo tafasta - If you seek to grab too much, you will not grab anything at all."
Now that's a resolution we should all aspire to: "This year, I'm going to choose well how I spend my time so I can do more of what is really important to me."
So, what’s your top New Year’s Resolution for 2016?
Wishing us all a New Year filled with good health, with peace and with purpose.
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